Friday, April 29, 2011

Maya the Cowboy

Maya has decided to take a break from life in New York State and take an adventure to the wild west! She plans to travel the countryside on horseback and live the life of a cowboy.
Maya knows the importance of wearing the proper attire for her adventure, so she is wearing her new favorite hat on her journey. She hopes to meet some other cowboys on her adventure and forge lasting friendships.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Maya the Firefighter

Maya is taking a break from being queen of the world, and has decided to spend her time fighting fires. She feels that being a firefighter will help her to give back to her community. As it turns out, Maya is a very good firefighter and she has recently been promoted to fire chief!
Maya is proud to be the first ever canine fire chief, and she intends to create a more dog-friendly environment among her co-workers. The position of fire chief is traditionally given to a human applicant, but Maya plans on creating a different community dynamic. With all the changes she is planning for the fire department it is now possible for other canines to aspire to become fire chiefs just like Maya!

Monday, April 11, 2011

My Dog Maya

My dog Maya was born in the Bahamas in June of 2008. As a stray dog from the Bahamas she is known as a "potcake." She was rescued by a veterinarian and brought to New York state, where my family found her in our local SPCA. She was 4 months old when we welcomed her into our home, she was a sweet innocent little yellow puppy. Now, she is almost 3 years old, and she is the queen of our house. That's the American dream; she came to this country as a stray and she has made herself a queen.